During the event we were also asked to bring out something that we always bring such as bag, cellphone, wallet etc.
While waiting the screen shows showing the waiter cleaning plates with his dirty sock earlier that day.
There are many moms in the Philippines use a dishwashing bar solution, which is made up their leftover laundry soap, water and a dishwashing sponge. These moms believe they are saving money by using their leftover laundry bar to wash dishes.
They do not realize that this bar solution is very unsanitary, especially when the bar solution is left exposed for many hours.
Joy’s “‘Nay, Gising!” campaign, commissioned this survey to serve as a wake-up call for Filipino moms and to educate them on proper kitchen hygiene.
Conducted by Dr. Simbahan and a third party research agency, the survey used a luminometer or germ meter to measure the level of contaminants in bar solutions and commonly perceived dirty household items. The bar solution consistently proved to have the highest level of contaminants among a list of dirty household items that included a toilet seat cover, a toilet bowl rim and a trash can lid. Results even showed that the dishwashing bar solution has 10x the level of contaminants versus a dirty sock.
PSM President Dr. SupachaiBasit explains, "A dishwashing bar solution is a breeding ground for contaminants, including bacteria and other types of germs. This is especially true if the laundry bar is leftexposedfor many hours and the dishwashing sponge is constantly wet.” In a study from Japan that measure the presence of bacteria in household items, scientists found that the dishwashing sponge was contaminated with several types of bacteria: E. coli and Staph. aureus, which both cause food poisoning, and Ps. aeruginosa, which leads to opportunistic infection.
Philippine Society for Microbiology recommends that Filipino moms throw out their unsanitary dishwashing bar solutions. To help protect their family from germs, moms can trust the only dishwashing liquid accepted by the Philippine Society for Microbiology, new Joy Antibac with Power of Safeguard.
The Philippine Society for Microbiology (PSM) confirmed that dishwashing bar solution has up to 10x level of contaminants than a dirty sock and other dirty household items.
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