Sunday, November 1, 2020


This is a quick video blog with Adi, she is such a cute and lovely kid, now that she knows how to make a video blog, I will collaborate more often with her.

Enjoy this video and please subscribe!

Friday, September 18, 2020


Hello veggies! Have a happy weekend. It's less than 100 days before Christmas, let's work out on something fit and strong. Join me in my push-up challenge.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Essential Meal Prep Tips for Busy Parents

Essential Meal Prep Tips for Busy Parents 
Busy moms and dads have a lot on their plates. When you’re juggling work and taking care of the kids, you don’t need to worry about cooking an elaborate dinner every night. Fortunately, there are shortcuts to making healthy dinners fast when meal prep is simply not in the cards. A meal delivery service, for instance, that provides countless nutritious meals for kids.

The key to delicious, healthy dinners in 30 minutes or less lies in one simple thing: Preparation. You don’t have to be a pro chef to make a delicious meal for your family if you only think ahead! Try these simple tricks and wow your family every night without you feeling exhausted and burnt out. 

Prep Meal Ingredients Ahead of Time 
Each day, schedule in time to prep meal ingredients for the next day. If you are a morning person, you might like to get up 30 minutes earlier than usual to do your meal prep. If you don’t have time in the mornings, take a few minutes before or after dinner to prepare for the next day. By getting everything ready one day ahead, you will not only make cooking easier, you will also leave enough time to dash out to the store if you are missing some ingredients. Many people swear by meal prepping as a way to stay healthy because you are approaching food in a calm, organized way rather than rushing to eat something quickly at the last minute. When you don’t plan ahead, you can end up being tempted by fast food or other impulses that wreck your diet.

Stick to Simple 30 Minute Recipes 
Start simple. Don’t go overboard with complicated recipes that take hours to make with fancy equipment. When cooking everyday, most people simply don’t have enough time to spend more than thirty minutes in the kitchen preparing for a meal. Plus, most moms and dads know that kids don’t really like complicated food anyway and much prefer classics like Oven Baked Chicken Tenders and Healthy Mac and Cheese.

Make Meal Starters and Store in Freezer 
Meal starters, like pasta sauce, taco meat, and chicken broth can be bought, but everyone knows that homemade versions are much better! Meal starters are usually time-intensive, so making them ahead of time is a really smart thing to do. When you have a spare afternoon, devote some time to making meal starters that you know you will use later in different recipes. You can store them all in the freezer until they are needed. No more store bought cans!

Save Your Leftovers 
Made too much food for your family of 4? Don’t throw it away! Leftovers are a dream that many parents intentionally try to have on hand because they are basically two nights of meals that only took the time and energy of one. To preserve freshness, store your leftovers in airtight containers. Meat, noodles, and pizza are generally fine in the fridge for 3-4 days, but if you know you’re not going to eat them right away, you should go ahead and store them in the freezer.

Friday, June 5, 2020

STRENGTH Pushups and Planking Challenge | Yoga video blog #4

I will share simple tips to gain upper body strength thru push-ups and planks.

Thank you for watching this video, please feel free to subscribe for more videos.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

#HomeCook How to cook Scrambled Tofu #StayHome

One of the first few episodes of our cooking video blog.

We are not professionals but we made this out of love and peace.

We dedicate this video to all the vegetarians in the world, hope you guys like it!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

3 Exercises to Build Cardio Fitness at Home

3 Exercises to Build Cardio Fitness at Home

Gyms provide a wide range of equipment for cardio, strength training, and more, but you can still get in good shape without a gym membership. In fact, a number of cardio exercises can be performed in the comfort of your home.

This article will cover some of the simplest and most effective ways to develop your cardio without going to a gym or even leaving your home. All you need is a pair of comfortable sneakers, a water bottle, and a towel if you want to use one. Keep in mind that along with exercise, your diet will also have a significant impact on your ability to lose weight or build cardio.

High Knees

High knees are a powerful workout for both cardio and muscular endurance, especially in your core and lower body. It should only take a minute or two to get a good workout, and you can do this exercise in relatively small spaces.

Start by standing up with your back straight and your feet close to each other or at shoulder width. Bring one knee up to your waist while maintaining form in the rest of your body. At the same time, move the opposite hand up as if you were running.

Try to keep a quick pace and do at least 25 reps per side for each set. In a full cardio workout, you should perform at least three sets of high knees. Don’t be afraid to adjust your reps up or down if you’re having trouble or if you feel like you can do more.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are another versatile exercise with a variety of benefits. To perform a mountain climber, get in a push-up position, but put your weight on your wrists instead of placing your palms against the ground.

Without curving your back, bring one knee to your chest and hold it there for a second or two. Switch sides and try to move quickly in order to build cardio in addition to muscular strength. You should perform three sets of twenty reps with one rep including both sides.

Jumping Jacks

One of the most well-known cardio exercises, it’s easy to underestimate the effects of jumping jacks. Even if you’re already familiar with the workout, it’s important to pay attention to your form instead of rushing through each set.

Try to complete at least 30 reps per set, although there’s nothing wrong with stopping earlier if you’re slowing down. Over time, you’ll naturally be able to increase your reps, eventually reaching three sets of 100 reps.

A gym membership can give you access to new equipment and provide additional motivation, but not having one isn’t an excuse not to exercise. These workouts are a great place to start building up your cardio on a tight budget and schedule.

Many Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle

After many years of staying at home and starting to adopt the new normal, finally nakapag fun run and recreation ulit. And it's good to ...

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